Sun & Vitamin D

Sun & Vitamin D

We live in one of the sunniest countries in the world. And what we should not miss at least is Vitamin D, or otherwise the vitamin of the sun. But is that so?
And how much do we know about this valuable vitamin and its beneficial properties?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is formed in the body mainly through the absorption of sunlight, ultraviolet radiation by the skin but is also obtained through the intake of foods rich in vitamin D.

So summer is the time when we can produce vitamin D and even store it as excess vitamin production is stored in adipose tissue for later use.
Of course, this does not mean that the longer we sit in the sun the better. inactive analogues.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exposure of the face and hands 30 minutes a day for optimal production of vitamin D by our body.

People who are not exposed to the sun or constantly cover their skin are at particularly high risk of vitamin D deficiency, as well as people with dark skin if the skin color prevents UV-B radiation from reaching the skin cells.
And something that many of us do not know. Frequent and meticulous use of sunscreen, which is recommended to protect against skin cancer, blocks the synthesis of the vitamin.

Most Europeans do not get the recommended amount of vitamin D. For those who have difficulty reaching the recommended levels through sun exposure and diet, supplements and fortified foods can be an alternative.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause depression, chronic fatigue, diabetes, heart disease, rickets (poor bone growth and weakness), tetany (persistent tonic spasm in a muscle with symptoms such as cramps, spasms in the arms and legs, laryngospasm) and osteomalacia (weak, fragile bones, fractures, bone pain)

On the other hand, its benefits are many and proven.
Vitamin D in addition to contributing to the smooth development and maintenance of bone and tooth health is perhaps the most vital vitamin for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, strengthens the immune system and protects the heart.
And not only.
If you want to lower your blood pressure, reduce your chances of developing diabetes, heart attacks and rheumatoid arthritis, improve your metabolism and avoid colds and flu, vitamin D is a valuable ally.

Irene Damanaki

Yoga Educator

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